Translated writings

by Eva Laser

In 1996 a group of Feldenkrais teachers from Stockholm 1, 2 & 3 published a book in Swedish called Feldenkrais - learning to learn again.

I participated with a chapter, a case history, interwoven with my impressions of the Feldenkrais inquiry as such.
The English translation, A path of dicovery, lessons with Anna,  was edited 2003 together with Russell Hall, Feldenkrais teacher practicing in Cleveland, USA.
Many of my students have read the chapter and recognize insights and impressions from their own process and learning.

A path of discovery, lessons with Anna

by Eva Laser

In connection with a advanced training in 1993 with Yochanan Rywerant, my attention was particularly focused and I wrote down a lesson with an elderly woman. I named it Body or frame

The woman in question is my mother Erna Laser (1920-1995). In this lesson, one of the more elementary principles in Feldenkrais is clearly shown, namely to clarify and support the function of the bone structure. The living skeleton, that allows us to handle the impact of gravity so masterfully and gives us dynamism and independence and enables activity beyond survival itself in the form of cultural practice and sports.

Body or frame

by Eva Laser

The wind and the breath of life

by Eva Laser

I have also written texts to the Feldenkrais Community, published in Felddigest and Feldyforum where I used to be a vivid contributor. 

Teachers, who have access to Feldyforum, can search my name and find many discussions that formed me as a teacher.

From time to time I write in FPAW in Facebook

Trademark and the public eye

by Eva Laser

Eva Laser

Telefon: 08 655 05 40
Mobil: 070 655 04 70
Swish: 123 412 67 51

Besöksadress: Lostigen 14 Bergshamra, 170 75 Solna

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