Moshe Feldenkrais met Jacob Bronowski during the 2nd World War in England. Often, several times a week, over a period of some years they met and discussed.
Reading and listening to Bronowski helps to understand some of the influences, the philosophy and the theories behind the Feldenkrais model of learning. Moshe Feldenkrais confided Bronowski as an inspiration in shaping the definition of the biological acture (posture)
Below is a summary of Jacob Bronowski's The Ascent of Man sent in BBC in 13 parts in 1973. Due to issues of copyright it is difficult to find them with sound at YouTube. The title hints at Charles Darwins book The Decent of Man. Bronowski's book was republished in 2011 with a foreword by Richard Dawkins Link[+]
The title hints at Charles Darwins book The Decent of Man. Bronowski's book was republished in 2011 with a foreword by Richard Dawkins Link[+]
15 minute interview of Sir David Attenborough discussing his role in the ground-breaking documentary "The Ascent of Man"
{Written and Presented by Dr Jacob Bronowski.}
This interview was filmed by the BBC.
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